UPDATE: Our session presentations are posted on the ACAES Youtube channel as follows:

Covid-19 and Labor Market Adjustments in Southeast Asia
Presenter: Sameer Khatiwada, Asian Development Bank
Discussant: Shaianne Osterreich, Ithaca College

Mitigate Damages and Support Growth through e-Government
Presenter: Yao Li, National University of Singapore 

Covid-19, Agglomeration Economies, and Firm Recovery in Bangladesh
Presenter: Monzur Hossain, Bangladesh Institute for Development Studies
Discussant: A. Mushfiq Mobarak, Yale University

Covid Impact and Macroeconomic Policy in Asia
Presenter: Calla Wiemer, American Committee on Asian Economic Studies
Discussant: Menzie Chinn: University of Wisconsin, Madison


When:  7-9 January 2022, Boston, Massachusetts

Sponsors:  American Committee on Asian Economic Studies & American Economic Association

Event:  Allied Social Science Association Annual Meeting

Program:  here