Asia Economics Blog


Moderator:  Calla Wiemer (

PAST Discussion on Diversifying Economics Globally

When:  26 July 2021, 10:00am US EDT(GMT-4)

Sponsors:  International Economic Association & Economics for Inclusive Prosperity

Moderator:  Dani Rodrik

Registration: here










Economics is currently undergoing a soul searching with respect to its gender and racial imbalances. There are many new initiatives underway in North America and Western Europe to address these problems. A missing component of this discussion on diversity is the geographic one – the relative scarcity of voices from the rest of the world in what should be a global discipline.

A great number of economists and institutions of economic research remain outside the networks based in the advanced nations that define the frontiers of Economics. For the bulk of economics researchers in low- and middle-income countries, accessing and participating in these networks is difficult. The barriers are sometimes related to training. But often they have to do with lack of information, social contacts, or mentorship, and the clubby nature of the profession. This center-periphery division makes Economics poorer, depriving it of new ideas, new problems to work on, and new talents.

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