


The American Committee on Asian Economic Studies (ACAES) promotes the study of Asian economies and fosters scholarly exchange between Asian economists and their counterparts around the world.

Asia Economics Blog


ACAES launched the Asia Economics Blog on 18 June 2020. The aim is to draw contributions broadly from the diverse community of economists who work on Asia and with that to foster worldwide collegial interaction. Blog categories include: Current Issues; Research; Reviews; Activities; and Publishing Environment.

The Asia Economics Blog replaced the Journal of Asian Economics as the ACAES flagship. ACAES founded the Journal of Asian Economics in 1990 and ran it for 30 years, before losing it to a takeover by Elsevier. A series of posts on this expropriation, with broader reflections on the consequences of Elsevier's market dominance, appear under the blog category Publishing Environment. The inaugural blog post,"Elsevier vs Academics", may be accessed here

The Activities category of the blog serves as a forum for announcing online events. Posts are included on the blog page until the event has passed. Posts on past events, many of which may still be viewed online, are accessible through the Activities box at the right of the blog page. As the pandemic has receded, posts in this category have become sparser.

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